
How we think about mental health impacts our well-being. In these pages I offer my perspective - an African-centered, black-centered view of us and of what makes us well. an alternative path to healing both the personal and the collective.

The 6 Pillars of My Therapy Practice

The 6 Pillars of My Therapy Practice

The beauty of practicing psychotherapy for me lies in the possibility to tailor my practice to my own view of the world and of what it is to be human. ...more

Decolonizing Mental Health ,Therapy

May 05, 20205 min read

Choosing a Therapist

Choosing a Therapist

Once you decide to go to therapy, how do you actually go about finding a therapist? This post gives you some tips. ...more


November 01, 20183 min read

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Yema Ferreira Psychotherapy and Coaching

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