Yema Ferreira Psychotherapy and Coaching

Help me start a movement for Feminine Black liberation!

In a world that does everything to disconnect you from yourself, we are here to help you stay connected to who you are. Because that is where your power is .

Does this sound like you?

Are you a black woman, woman of African descent, or mixed heritage woman who is on a journey to reconnect with your true self? Are you tired of putting your needs and aspirations aside to live up to what your family or society has prescribed for you? Are you tired of spending your energy on fighting the traps that racism has set up for you rather than following your dreams?

Maybe you just want to be yourself, express all that is in you, and stop trying to be something you are not. You want to reconnect with your African roots. You want to reconnect spiritually. You have questions about identity and about your Ancestors. You want to learn from their wisdom and hope it can help you understand your place in this world. Likely you are the only one in your family and friend group with these concerns and may even be ridiculed for it. You feel alone in your search.

If you find yourself nodding along to this, you’re not alone…

You fear you’ll never be bold enough to go for your dreams, that you’ll always choose the safety of being invisible except in ways that are accepted by those around you. That you will stay stuck living a life that isn’t yours, caught up in somebody else’s dream of an ideal life. You fear you may never become your true self. You worry that you might die without fulfilling your life’s purpose. You fear that your family might criticize you if you openly embrace a path of healing, African spirituality, and other things that have been taboo in your environment.

You’ve done everything to fit into a world that rejects you. You did everything you were supposed to, everything you were told would make you happy, fulfilled, and accepted. You appear to feel good and are expected to feel grateful for the life of “privilege” your parents worked so hard to give you access to, or perhaps that you worked hard to gain access to. But in reality, your soul feels squashed, unable to express its authentic energy, its creative force, maybe even its African identity. You feel dead inside. You fear that if nothing changes in the way you are living your life, it will affect your mental health. Maybe it already has. You might be feeling depressed and demotivated. You might have anxiety too, or some other symptom of disconnection. You know it’s because you’re suppressing so much of yourself. You wish you could overcome how all of this is affecting you. Maybe you’ve even been to therapy, but it didn’t help beyond giving you some relief because there is something deeper missing.

That's why I’m soooo excited to introduce to you:

Black Woman Sanctuary!

A sacred space for Feminine Black liberation. To black women who want to join the movement for Feminine Black liberation,
Black Woman Sanctuary is the sacred space where you come to grow into everything you are meant to be. Everything that is in you. This community will help you align with who you really are, reconnect with yourself and your roots, find spiritual connection, get clarity on your purpose, and creatively liberate yourself so that you can express the fulness of your being in the world. It will also help us create power and speed by coming together for the purpose of healing and liberation.

Here’s what you’ll get when you join:


A pathway to get you from misalignment to alignment, disconnection to connection, confusion to clarity of purpose. Guidance towards liberation of the mind, body, and spirit, towards finding and owning your purpose so you can do your work in the world.


Tools for personal growth and healing. Human beings have been around for millennia and have figured out a lot of ways to optimize our time here on Earth. We will draw on those tools, wisdom, and practices to create rituals that support our individual lives and goals.

Workshops and Masterclasses

Pre-recorded workshops and masterclasses that teach you the skills to maintain your well-being, live in alignment, find your purpose, and embrace and lead with your Feminine energy. These are arranged in a pathway to facilitate your journey of liberation.

Live group calls

Different types of live calls to support you in making connections with other women on the same journey as you, to help you work through some of the challenges you will find along the way, and more. Live calls provide an opportunity for us to connect in real time and to get support for the work we are doing individually.

Transformational Processes

Processes and practices for internal growth and liberation of the different parts of you. We use proven processes that have been tried and tested, and have delivered results for many people around the world as well as processes created by us especially for you - a black woman on the journey of self-liberation.


Access to a community of black women on the same journey as you. We will rely on the power of groups to multiply our energy and propel us forward and upward; and to move us in ways that can change the world - first our individual worlds, then the world around us. So, come change the world for black women with us. No one's going to do it for us.

Black Woman Sanctuary is not for you if ...

• You are not a Black woman or woman of African descent·
• You are not spiritually inclined or open to spirituality·
• You are not prepared to look within yourself and do the work·
• You are not prepared to take responsibility for your own healing and growth·
• You are looking for a quick fix or someone outside of you to fix you.

• What you need right now is therapy to heal deep personal wounding.

But Black Woman Sanctuary is perfect for you if ...

• You are a Black woman or woman of African descent·
• You want to reconnect to yourself·
• You want to reconnect spiritually·
• You want to reconnect to your roots·

• You are ready to do the work·
• You are a highly sensitive person·
• You are a creative·

Enroll now for just

DKK 328/ €44

Meet Our Custodian

Hello! My Name is Yema Ferreira and I help Black women who are reconnecting with Self and Roots go from feeling lost, disconnected and alone in their search to feeling clear, aligned, and connected.  

Black Woman Sanctuary is both old and new to me. It was founded by my friend Fatima Osborne in 2017 as a space for Black women in Copenhagen to meet in person once a month to share their experiences, knowledge, resources, and to support each other. Born out of her own need to have more black women in her life in a place where black people were few and far between, she wanted a space where black women could just be, where they could see and affirm each other, and come out of the isolation of being a black person in a society that was often unkind to them. She did it voluntarily for six years until she got to a place in her life when she was no longer able to devote the time and energy required to keep it going. But she felt that the space was still necessary and this coincided with me receiving guidance to create a global community for black women supporting each other in returning to Self and roots. So, this felt like a Divine handover.  

For me, Black Woman Sanctuary is an evolution of my work as a psychotherapist. For 7 years I ran a private practice offering individual psychotherapy to Black women, working from a womanist, pan-African, and African spiritual perspective. My therapeutic work focused on healing trauma, redefining identity, and developing personal power. With Black Woman Sanctuary, I intend to build on these same pillars to serve more women, using a collective approach.

What past clients have said:

"Yema’s intentional focus on supporting women of African descent like me, with matters of identity as well as mental and spiritual health, means that I can bring all of me to our sessions and be in a safe space where I know I will be understood and able to grow."

— Anonymous

"Our conversations and the deep reflection sparked by Yema’s insightful questions or reframing of situations have given me the clarity I craved and confidence to express myself more openly. Working with Yema has been game-changing for me and my business."

— Anonymous

"Yema, you guided me with gentility, care and support to all of the selves that I’d abandoned. Thank you for creating a space for me to be safe, seen and heard. Thank you for helping me to come home. To be complete is and will always be the ultimate goal for me because it is in wholeness that I can give to others and be a part of this world. Every part of my spirit thanks you."

— Anonymous

Why should you join?

Besides being part of a movement to create deep healing and transformation for black women, when you join us you will...

• Have a place where you can be yourself when the world doesn’t allow you to·
• Benefit of the magic that can happen when we come together and multiply our energy, because you don’t have to go

it alone.
• Learn how to align with yourself·
• Learn to embrace all parts of yourself so that you can access your personal power·
• Get clarity on your purpose·
• Open up to connection·
• Learn how to lean on your Feminine energy to make an impact in the world.

Still on the fence about it?

Special Offer

If you join now you’ll have an influence on the future of BWS...

At this new stage of BWS I am inviting you as a Founding Member for the low price of 328 DKK (€ 44) / month. I am doing that because I want your feedback and influence in shaping the direction this community takes, so that it becomes something that you and others like you actually want and can benefit from, rather than my fantasy about what would be good for you. This founding member offer will be open for the first 100 members after which the price will go up. But when you enroll now as a Founding Member your price will stay at that level for as long as you are a member (unless you leave and come back, in which case your re-joining fee will be the one in place when you re-join).


Why is it online?

Being online allows us to bring together women from many locations around the world and, therefore, many different perspectives that can enrich everyone's experience in the community by opening our eyes to new ways of seeing and approaching things. However, we will listen to members and if there is enough interest for local Copenhagen events in the community, we will make it happen.

Can this really help me? I am really broken…

No one is so broken that they cannot heal, but I hear what you’re saying about how it feels for you. You have to assess whether this is something that you are in a place to try. Maybe what you need is therapy right now, and that’s ok. If that’s the case, find a therapist you can work with. Or you can try Black Woman Sanctuary and see how it works for you. You can always unsubscribe if it doesn’t. But I beg of you, don’t do nothing. You can heal and grow and transform your life, and you can find the way that works for you to get there. Healing is a process. 

Why is it a membership and not a once off course? Why do I have to pay monthly?

This work takes time and continued support to take root. Many times, we buy courses that are good and can give us results for a while, but gradually it fades because we are not able to maintain the results we got. You are also paying to have access to the community where you'll be able to connect with others in the same situation as you, and to have access to a variety of resources and tools.

Why only women? I want to do this work in the company of men too.

We work on healing the Divine Feminine within the Black experience. Of course we all have both the Masculine and the Feminine within us, but we work in the particular ways that women - specifically black women - bring the Divine feminine energy in to the world. It is important to have spaces where we intermingle because these two energies are complementary, but we must have spaces where we nurture them separately as well.

Sometimes these groups can have very strict and narrow definitions of blackness and reject certain other ways of being black. Is this a space where I can be fully myself?

By virtue of Black Woman Sanctuary being a global community it will be gathering women of different cultures, nationalities, and life experiences. Diversity within blackness is therefore at the heart our community. In addition, the focus of the community is healing and growth rather than debating opinions and views, and the processes will always redirect us to self-reflection and away from assessing others. That may be part of the learning process for many.

Why connect with roots, isn't it better to focus on the present and future?

Past present and future all matter. If we don't know where we came from, we don't know where we're going. Our past informs our present and what we are able to do with the future. Besides, connecting with roots is not just about the past, it's also about understanding ourselves in the present (why we do what we do) and taking ownership of the legacies that were left for us and are here now, to enhance our lives.

© Copyright 2023 Yema Ferreira.